Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rough Week

It has been a rough several days around here. Mom was here visiting last weekend and watched Ella for us on Saturday night. Ella ended up getting sick all night with a stomach bug :(. Poor girl, she really felt horrible. She was sick all day Sunday and Monday, and then once she was just about better, Steve got really sick while I was just feeling moderately sick, and then I got really sick once he was getting better. Uggh, the good thing there was that we both felt the worst on opposite days so the other one was able to take care of Ella. I wasn't sure we'd make it to Thanksgiving but luckily I felt okay on Thursday.

In the meantime, Mom had gone back to Charlotte, and got very sick, it definitely hit her worst of all of us. The reason that all this matters is that we are all waiting for the birth of Erin's baby boy, and of course cannot be around a precious newborn bringing germs with us and risk getting him or Erin sick.

So, Mom has been staying by herself in Charlotte, Glenn ended up having Thanksgiving with Erin and Josh but we didn't get to see him, and Steve, Ella and I would not have been able to go had Erin already had the baby. A very weird week all around. Luckily, things are looking up - we're all getting better, most importantly Erin and the baby are healthy, and we're all ready for his arrival (Erin most of all!)!

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