Tuesday, January 29, 2008

2nd Trip to the Doctor

We took Ella for her 2-week doctor's appointment on Tuesday Jan 22.


She weighed 8 lbs 1 oz, almost a full pound above her birthweight - I was really happy about that and it gave me a confidence boost in how breastfeeding is going. She was 19 1/2 inches long (so she grew 1/4 of an inch). Her weight and head circumference were both 50th percentile, and her height is 25th percentile.

We asked some questions about her umbilical stump (still hanging on!), sleeping habits (the swing!) and all the noises she makes when she's sleeping. The doctor said she looks so great and very healthy, so she does not need to go back until her 2-month appointment, when she'll have to start getting vaccines.

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