Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ella is 4 Weeks Old - February 2

Ella turned 4 weeks old on February 2. Although I don't know exactly, I'm guessing she weighs about 8 1/2 pounds, and she is much chubbier than she was before. We went up from Newborn diapers to the Stage 1 on Friday night. She looks like she is getting close to smiling - often when her eyes are closed her mouth breaks into a big "smile", it makes me grin every time I see it. Her skin is a lot smoother now and feels like silk when you touch it. Her eyelashes look a lot longer and curl up - it is so cute. She is so active and alert so much of the time, and turns in the direction of our voices. Here are some other pictures from the week


Me and my sweet girl

Her first successful bottle

Steve's sister Teresa came to visit us for the weekend with Carmen. We had a great time with them and Ella really enjoyed meeting her Aunt Tisi. It was so good to have them and we hope they come back soon!






Anonymous said...

The 4th photo from the bottom is one of my favorites. Ella has such big eyes! Can't wait to see her!

Colleen said...

I know, and her little mouth is so cute :)