Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wedding Song

Another video - this one is a song Ella made up, she always makes up her own words and they don't make very much sense but are just so funny.

We showed Ella a little bit of our wedding video a few weeks ago, and she really liked that, and last weekend we saw where a wedding was being set up for later that night, and so I think she has weddings on the brain.

We were in Charlotte last weekend and on Sunday she decided she was going to hold a "wedding party", and I was going to marry Aunt Kelly. So, she spent about 20 minutes getting setting the table up with all of her teacups, saucers, silverware, etc., and gathered Mom, Kelly and I, saying that the wedding was ready.

We all sat at the table and then Ella said it was time to sing "Happy Birthday." We all sang and then Ella said Kelly and I could NOT sing because it was our wedding and only her and Mom should be singing. She served us many cups of tea and other snacks, it was just so cute.

Tonight she had another wedding, this one involved about a half hour of set up of several cups of water, dishes, cups and then she said it was "time to celebrate" and "sing the wedding song," which she of course made up, and it was quite the song. Later when I was running the water for her bath she got her microphone out and sang some more of the beautiful melody :).

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