Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Froberg's Farm

We went to the Corn Maze at Froberg's Farm in Alvin on the Sunday before Halloween. I've wanted the go the past few years but the weather had not cooperated, so it was really nice to be able to go this year. 

On the hayride

My view of the tiny one, who slept the majority of the outing

All four of us! 

We let Ella lead the way - here she is coming back from a dead end that she scouted out ahead for us 

Made it out :) 

Picking flowers 


Ella's big school carnival was on a Saturday in October and she and I went together. It is quite the operation and amazing how much work goes into the planning and preparation for it, so it was really neat to see what a success it turned out to be.

We sponsored her class game with some friends so we made sure to check out the sign and she played the game a few times

The bungee jump was her favorite thing about the day - she was so, so excited to do it and the whole time we were in line she kept saying she was hoping she could figure out how to do a back flip once she got up there. And she did it!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Fall Festival

We went to the Fall Festival at a local church in mid-October for some pumpkins and a little fair

This is how Dottie spent 95% of the time, sleeping like an angel in the stroller :)

She finally opened those peeps near the end so we could get a few awake pictures with her

I love this one :)

With our little ladies

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Wranglerettes Dance Clinic

The Wranglerettes are the drill team at the high school, and they are a really big deal around here. They are national champions and will be performing at the Macy's Thanksgiving parade in NYC in a few weeks. They perform on Spirit Days and other events at Ella's school so when she heard about the dance clinic they were offering, she was in!

The dance clinic was several hours on a Saturday and they learned the dance, had a picnic lunch, had a lot of fun with the girls on the team, and then they had a little show at the end that we went to. Then at the next football game the following Friday, they performed at the pre-game dinner and were able to go out on the field before the game. Ella was so excited.

It was our first high school football game in TX so it was quite an eye-opening experience, and we had a really fun night watching Ella and lots of laughs with friends.

Doing the dance in the cafeteria before the pre-game dinner

On the field before the game

We were up in the bleachers and we were watching Ella down on the track. She was talking non-stop to the Wranglerette next to her in line, it was so cute. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Visit from Erin and Cameron

Erin, Cameron and Mom came to visit in October and we had such a great time with them. 

Ella and Cameron had a blast together as usual, with plenty of shenanigans and mischief-making thrown in as well. 

They danced to these singing skeletons probably 100 times throughout the weekend, and wanted them in the picture

I love this funny one

Picnic breakfast over at Grammy's

Swimming on Saturday (and there are those skeletons again!)

Dottie and Grammy

Adorable cousins

Cameron was sooo sweet with Dottie

Fire station open house

So cute on the fire truck ride

So precious!!

Erin and Dottie, who was a sweet peaceful angel every time Erin held her!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Visit from Grandma and Grandad

Dad and Donna came to visit us and meet Dottie at the end of September. We really enjoyed our time with them and look forward to their next visit at Christmas. 

Dad with Dottie

Dad and Ella making snow cones -- they worked very hard on these :)

Swimming with Grandma and Grandad

They baked and decorated cookies for Halloween 

Dad and I went to have lunch with Ella at school on Thursday

Ella took this one :)

Adorable sisters!

Not ready to say good-bye