The volunteers were all dressed up for Halloween and there were decorations everywhere, and the kids got trick-or-treat bags and candy at each of the different exhibits.
I wasn't sure how "hands-on" it was really going to be but it really was!
Feeding a zebra and donkeys

Scary pose with a spooky decoration



Learning about a baby owl. There were several owls, all rescued, and all were either unable to fly or blind.

A big wolf - the volunteer gave Mom a treat to give to the wolf but he would not get up to eat. He was really sleepy and just laid down, and really didn't even want it from the volunteer. This volunteer also did a wolf-cry and the 'singing dog' in the cage across the way would howl and cry in reply!

Posing with the pumpkins

Petting a snake

Petting a chinchilla with Grammy

Making worms - this was one of her favorite things, and she ended up carrying the bag of worms around for the next several days

Looking at a baby hedgehog

We ran into our buddies Kati and Nicole, we haven't seen them in a few months. Kati and Ella were so happy to see each other and hang out for a few minutes, they are so cute together.

Very bravely holding a lizard. A second after I took this, the lizard started moving and Ella startled and dropped him on the floor!

Checking out the bats with Grampy G

By the end of the afternoon she was a WILD woman, but the trip was definitely a success!!

1 comment:
The funniest part of that trip was Ella figuring out that there was candy to be had for the taking at every stop. At about the last stop she was grabbing it by the handfull and you had to intervene. She didn't like that one bit! So cute.
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