I had let her bring the mask to school, I figured she'd get a kick out of showing it to her friends, but also thought she'd get sick of it and just wear it for a little bit. When I left she was not wearing it, but one of my friends whose daughter is in the pre-K class emailed me an hour or so later and said Ella had been wearing her mask and told her that she was going to wear it all day - ha!
They had a parade that morning with just the kids, and then the trick-or-treat party with the parents was that afternoon. All day I was watching the clock at work excited to leave early to get to see her for her party at school.
Here she is in front of her cubby

Trick-or-treating to the different classrooms

With Gillian and Rorie

The weather was really bad on Halloween, it rained all day and through the afternoon. We got home early after her party at school, and had planned on going trick-or-treating right away. But since it was raining so hard we decided to go out to dinner instead and wait out the rain a little bit.
Ella finally got to wear her glow bracelets and glow stick necklace that Grandma and Granddad had sent a few weeks ago and was thrilled with them (That is the bag of worms from Noah's Landing in her hand. She ended up sleeping with the bracelets and glow stick on Halloween night, and they were still glowing a little bit on Tuesday morning. She brought them to school for the next 3 days in a row, long past when they stopped glowing!)

After we got home from dinner, it was still raining but we decided we were going to go trick-or-treating no matter what, Halloween only comes around once a year. At long last, Ella finally dressed up in her adorable cupcake costume - hooray!!

Ella had played "trick or treating" several times before Halloween where she would pretend there were people at the door and she would give them candy. So she was really ready when her first official customers came to the door. What happened next was one of the absolute funniest things I have ever seen. I'm sure it will lose it's funniness in writing, but I really don't want to forget this one, so here goes -
She was wearing her red rain boots under her cupcake pants, so as she took her first few steps, her walking wasn't quite normal. The doorbell rang with our first trick-or-treaters, and she was beyond excited. I went to the door and she ran behind me saying 'wait for me, wait for me, I'LL give the candy!!!' I opened the door and there were 3 kids on the porch in their costumes. They all patiently stood there as Ella ran up the hallway and grabbed the heavy bowl of candy herself. The bowl was really just too big for her and she was kind of off-balance from the boots, so I took the bowl from her and told her I'd hold it and she could pass out the candy. She scanned the bowl for the least desirable piece she could find, and grabbed a single tootsie roll.
I don't know if it was all her excitement, or the boots, but she lost her balance - she started flailing her arms around and circled them about 3 times before she fell forward - she managed to stop her fall with her hands on the porch. She stood up, still holding the tootsie roll, and said "I'm OK!" Those poor kids on the porch didn't know what to do - all they wanted were a few pieces of candy and instead they got the Ella Show. At the end of it, she ended up giving each one a single tootsie roll and I had to go back and give them some more pieces of candy out of the bowl.
Oh my gosh, it was just so funny. Between this crazy little cupcake falling over, to her stingy candy-giving from our giant bowl of candy, I just could not stop laughing, it took me about 10 minutes to fully recover.
Here she is with the candy bowl

Our silly cupcake

It stopped raining and Ella was ready to get moving!

Trick-or-treating with Ella was hysterical. She had to interview every person whose house we went to. Here are some of the questions this extremely curious trick-or-treater asked our neighbors:
- Do you have a dog?
- Do you have a cat?
- What's your cat doing?
- What's your Dad's name? or the variation: Do you have a Dad, or no?
- Who are the other persons in this house?
- Why aren't you wearing any shoes?
One lady closed the door before Ella was ready for the conversation to end and she said "Hey! I didn't get to tell if she had a dog or not!"
Another lady told Ella that she had 3 grown children and Ella wanted to know what THEY were dressing up as for Halloween. She'll keep you on your toes with all her questions, that's for sure!

She's been mesmerized by these jack-o-lanterns and light up decorations for weeks now and finally got her wish to go right up to them and check them out

Getting very sleepy...

It ended up being a later than usual Halloween night because it was after 7 by the time the rain stopped, so it seemed like our whole neighborhood went out between 7 and 8:30 or so. Once we got home Ella's tiredness vanished, and she needed to take inventory of her candy, and test a few pieces :)

It was definitely quite the Halloween, and she is still talking about it!
OM gosh! That is hysterical! I can just see it, too. Ella being so determined to give out just one piece of candy, so funny!
Too cute! All her silly cupcake poses in front of the fireplace...her stingy candy-giving...so cute!
I love all the questions she asked the neighbors! My kids can't get out of there quickly enough and, unfortunately, the neighbors are lucky if they get an unprovoked "thank you".
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