She's got her beach toys, ready to go!

Taking a nap in the car on the way there

Alright, let's hit the beach!

One cool customer

Playing in the sand

Ella must have said "swim in my ocean" and "swim in my tiny pool" about 300 times each! There was also a big pool there and we spent a lot of time in there as well, but 'my tiny pool' was her favorite. She pretty much throws a "my" in front of everything...

In the waves - She definitely prefers to be held in the waves and sometimes would say "waves, go away!"...we tried to explain to her that the waves aren't going anywhere!

Juice break!

Adorable duo

Aww, getting sleepy

Checking out the waves from the deck

Me and my silly girl

The 3 of us

Playing with hula hoops during a long wait for dinner on Saturday night

We went to Broadway at the Beach in Myrtle Beach on Sunday night, and were able to take Ella on several kiddie rides

First ferris wheel ride, in little hot air balloon cars

It was such a good trip. As fun as Ella has been at the beach before, she was even more fun this time. We got to relax, have a lot of fun, and just enjoy a weekend away together.
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