Ella loves Aunt Erin - she is always all over her and can't get enough of her

Playing with blocks

Water Table

This tower was several feet high and obviously some industrious kids had spent a long time building it. Ella charged over to it, hands outstretched...

And before we could stop her, she grabbed a block out of it. Somehow she managed to take a piece that kept the tower standing!

Drumroll please...

Video clip of Ella's drum solo
Playing with lights

Check out the floating ball (and Erin's adorable belly!!)

With Grammy

Holding 3-D Glasses

We went into a 3-D movie that was about turtles, I thought Ella would love it. Boy was I wrong. A friendly turtle appeared on the screen, and gently floating toward us - Ella started screaming "I scary, I scary, go home"...needless to say, we left within about 5 seconds. Then she kept saying "fishies scary" (because there were also some fish in that movie). It was the first thing that we've had to leave because she was scared. I guess the 3-D aspect was just too much. Plus she's never seen a movie in a theater, maybe it was overwhelming. Either way, I know we won't be attempting another 3-D movie anytime soon!
The girls

Ella and Uncle Josh

Love it! What a nice day it was!
so cute!! loved looking at the pics!
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