After 5 months of nothing but breast milk, we gave Ella her first bottle of formula on Friday night. Around 4 1/2 months it started becoming harder and harder to keep up with how much milk she needs and so after thinking about it long and hard we decided to give her first bottle of formula on Friday after work. She drank it really easily and didn't seem to think anything of it - not sure what I was expecting, but I didn't know it would be that easy. That night she slept from 8:30 pm to 5:30 am, and I wonder if having a full tummy was part of her long sleep that night. So, the plan is to give her one bottle of formula a day for the rest of this month, and then we will introduce solid foods at 6 months. Yesterday she was not as receptive to the formula bottle and actually refused it; today I gave it to her when she was really hungry and she drank it right away, so I think the key is to only try to feed it to her when she's really hungry (at least for now until she gets used to it).
Here's a pic from her first bottle on Friday:

See how she is trying to hold the bottle too? she's so cute :)
Hanging out after her big meal
Hey Colleen-
I'm SO proud of you for breastfeeding for so long. I know the extra effort that it takes and I think it's great that you introduced Ella to the bottle. It sounds like a great plan allowing yourself some extra time, while also still nursing when you can. What a win-win situation!
Take Care-
Lori you are so sweet, thank you so much for all your encouragement :0).
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