Ella is ALWAYS playing and having fun, whether or not there are toys nearby. When I put her down to change her, she starts smiling and thinks its a fun game; when I get her in PJs after a bath she thinks her jammies are a toy and starts grabbing them and trying to stuff them in her mouth; anytime she is wearing a dress she treats it like a built-in game and spends her time pulling it up and trying to eat it. She'll grab my hair, Steve's hair, touch our faces, my necklace, Sammy's leg, really anything she can get her little hands on, she is just always having a good time.
Here are some pics of her playing over the past few weeks.
Laughing because daddy is kissing her feet

Standing up and having fun

Telling daddy about her day

Lots to talk about!

Working on those neck muscles

Reaching for the camera

Playing with her keys

Peekaboo with a blanket

Smiley girl!
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