The Patriots came to Houston to play the Texans on December 1st. Steve was really wanting to go, as he's never seen the Patriots play in person; but due to the price of the tickets we had decided to pass. We were shocked a few weeks later when Steve's boss gave him tickets so that we could go to the game! Steve was thrilled, and we were both overshelmed with what a generous and thoughtful gift it was. And not only did he give us tickets, which would've been incredible in and of itself, but the tickets were in the 2nd row, on the 50 yard line. Talk about a once-in-a-lifetime way to watch a football game!
We had such a great time. It was a beautiful day, the game was exciting, and the Patriots won!
In an amazing coincidence, we were walking up to use the restroom and we heard someone calling Steve's name from the next section over. He is a former colleague of Steve's and his brother happens to play for the Patriots. He was there to watch his brother, and had a few extra "Friends and Family" passes to go down to the friends and family area after the game. He asked us if we wanted to go with them, and of course we said yes!
A while after the game ended, they took all of us down to this closed in area on the bottom floor of the stadium that was basically a penned in area where the players came out to meet with their friends and family who had been at the game.
Here we are with Steve's former colleague Chris and his brother Nate who plays for the Patriots

We did as much shameless player-watching as we could squeeze in. We were steps away from several of the players and saw the rest in line to get on the bus (including Bill Belichick). We did not see Tom Brady, he's the one that I would've really loved to see up close.

Here we are with Steve's former colleague Chris and his brother Nate who plays for the Patriots

We did as much shameless player-watching as we could squeeze in. We were steps away from several of the players and saw the rest in line to get on the bus (including Bill Belichick). We did not see Tom Brady, he's the one that I would've really loved to see up close.

It was really quite an amazing day. Steve said it was one of his Top 5 days of all times and I am so grateful we had such a fantastic opportunity!
That's a once-in-a-lifetime; so cool!
Hey, I'm jealous! Were your seats better than when we saw Notre Dame v. Army at the Meadowlands? Looks as if Steve and you had a great time!
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