The day after Ella's graduation, she left with Grammy for a very big adventure - a whole week in New Jersey with Grammy and Grampy G!
She had an incredible trip and made a ton of great memories. Here are some of the pictures that Mom sent me during the week
With Pokey

Fun in the sprinkler
Monday was a really big day - she got to 'work' in Glenn's office for the morning. She was very excited for her big job and I would've loved to see her in action.
Ready to report to work!
The ladies in the office were so sweet and really went above and beyond for Ella's day in the office - they set up a great desk with lots of goodies for her
Taking some notes on her new Hello Kitty clipboard and pad :)
Busy little bee
Break time
With Grampy at the end of the morning after a job well done :)
That afternoon Mom and Ella headed into New York City for a few days for part two of their adventure. They went to all of Mom's stomping grounds - her hotel, work, restaurants - all around "Grammy's beautiful city", as Ella now calls it :).
Riding in a taxi for the first time
With Grammy
At the Toys R Us in Times Square
Getting a chess lesson in Washington Square Park
Glenn came in to meet them the next day and they went to the Museum of Natural History, where Ella was a big fan of the reptiles and snakes
Back in NJ, feeding the goats at Alstede's Farm
Sleeping with Sophie (who is quite possibly the world's largest cat!)
On Friday they went to the Crayola Factory in Easton, Ella said this was the most fun stop of the trip.
Ella loves Garmmy - how adorable is that?!
Ella had a wonderful week and I'm so glad she got to have such a special and fun time with Mom and Glenn!
Oh man! Looking at that makes me so happy! I'm one blessed "Garmmy!"
Sounds as if Ella had one great adventure with her Grammy & Grampy! Happy to hear she had such a good time!
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