We flew up on Friday morning, and went out to Mexican for dinner that night. Ella and Cameron were so happy to be back together!
Erin, Cameron, Ella and I went to visit Dad and Donna on Saturday, and Ella and Cameron were very excited to discover an Easter egg hunt as soon as we arrived!

They were so cute hunting for eggs together. Cameron would yell out "I find one! I find one!" each time he found them, and Ella was really sweet sharing the eggs that she found.
At Mom and Glenn's later that afternoon, dyeing Easter eggs in the backyard
Adorable little guy
Having tons of fun in the Thomas couch
Wagon ride on Sunday morning
Getting a push on the swing from Grammy
And another excellent Easter egg hunt
Adorable cuties!!
More fun in the couch, all snuggled up together
Pretending to sleep
On Sunday night I drove over to Raleigh and then on Monday, Mom and Glenn took Ella and Cameron to Great Wolf Lodge, or "Great Woof" as Ella calls it. They had a wonderful time together, and Ella loved her time at the water park, and all of the other fun activities they did.
Some pics that Mom texted from their trip -
Storytime before bed
Unfortunately Ella ended up getting sick on Wednesday, and we were scheduled to fly back on Thursday afternoon, but had a really bad night and was still sick on Thursday morning so we pushed our trip back until Friday afternoon. Even though she didn't feel well on Friday she was a lot better than Thursday, and did great traveling back. We got home and rested up for the weekend and by Sunday afternoon she was back to her normal happy self!
We had a great time when all of you were here visiting with us! "Thanks for stopping by!"
What a great time that was...thanks so much for making the trip!
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