They were so cute together at the airport, a very happy little reunion

They are just so cute together, two adorable little peas in a pod. I am still waiting for the sweet little man to say 'Aunt Colleen', but he certainly has 'Ella' down - here is a little video I caught of him saying it
Bubbles on the patio

And here is Ella's Hair Salon, open for business! After doing her own fashionable hairdo, Ella decided to brush Cameron's hair. He LOVED it. Whenever she would stop doing it, he'd do his sign for "more, more" until she'd start brushing again - it was just so adorable.

With Josh's hat
Cameron is ALL BOY and does lots of things that just make me laugh and laugh. This video is just hysterical - his little meaty man Tarzan routine
Ella & I had lunch with Dad and Donna on Sunday; and then Sunday evening we got to see Erin & Josh before I left for Raleigh. So, it was a really good weekend and I'm so glad I got to do plenty of visiting before my few days in the office!
They were SO PRECIOUS together!!!
That Tarzan video is so funny! I just found out from school what that move is...they have a book where animals do all kinds of stuff and that's what the gorilla does! He's being a gorilla!
A gorilla!!!! That's so funny!
He must be the cutest gorilla in his class! I bet that cracks the teachers up when they get to that part in the story - so cute!!
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