Mom and Glenn came to visit a few weeks ago - it was so great to have them come see us. They arrived on a Wednesday evening and we were all very excited. Ella had been counting down the days and was very impatient after school waiting for their arrival, but so happy to see them once they got here!
Ella and Grammy coloring
We went to Floyds on Thursday for dinner to take them to our new 'cajun seafood' favorite. We sat outside, and the kids all gravitated to the stage. Ella was lucky enough to have both Grammy and Grampy to dance with her :)
Mom & Glenn kept Ella home from school on Friday and they went to the Butterfly Center at the Science Museum.
Mom with a very big stick bug on her hand!
On Friday night, Steve & I got a night out downtown. We went to a really good Mexican restaurant for dinner and to a piano bar after, a very fun 'date night'!
The night we went out, there was a really big thunderstorm, and Glenn caught this picture with a big lightening strike in the background
We had gorgeous weather on Saturday, and in the afternoon we went to the boardwalk at Kemah.
Feeding the very hungry fish
Fishing game with Grampy
Steve got Mom & I giant frozen margaritas from the "Daq Shack"
And best of all, Ella finally got to go in the splash pad (WITH her bathing suit this time!)
With the snake she won playing the 'strong man' game
That night we went to a Mongolian BBQ restaurant for dinner which was on Glenn's "to do" list since he had been a few months ago when he visited Steve for a few days, and was eager to go back.
On Sunday we took Mom & Glenn to the church we've been to several times, and then in the afternoon we went to the NASA Space Center.
We did a tram tour of the center which took us all through the grounds and made several stops along the way.
Little kitty cat on the tram - she had a cat face that Grammy drew on for her
Mission Control Center, which was very cool to see the assigned stations for who talks to the astronauts while they are in space - reminded me of Apollo 13

Little wild woman taking a break to give me a sweet smile

Our space our defense, we thought this picture was for security purposes, not for a family photo!...neat memory though, still had to include it :)

Back in the space center, checking things out

They both loved this - Steve was the pilot and there was a video feed so we could watch them both in there, they had a blast.

We said good-bye to Mom & Glenn on Sunday night, and they left early Monday morning. It was such a great visit and we were really sad when the weekend came to an end. But, I know they will make plenty of trips down here and we will see them again soon!
That was so much fun! What great pix; I can't wait to get back!
Looks like a fun trip!
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