As soon as she woke up, she wanted to start looking for eggs. She ran to the window and was excited to see there were a few eggs outside and she got on her shoes so we could head outside. On the way, she found another one in the family room, and was excited to find her Easter basket!

New apron for my little "chef-in-training"

She had seen some eggs outside her bedroom window so we went to investigate and she found a few more

We had to save the rest of our egg hunt for later so that we could get ready for church. Here is the little lady looking adorable in her Easter dress from Grammy -

On our way to church

The church service was great, fantastic music, and a great message to reinforce the real meaning of Easter. There was a puppet show and butterfly release for the kids program, and Ella was really happy about the butterflies.
We went out to lunch after church to a Cajun seafood restaurant with outdoor seating. We had tried to go before but it was too crowded, but we managed to get there right when they opened on Easter. The food was great and it was so nice to sit outside.

We even tried fried alligator, Ella impressed us by trying a bite

And the best part, Ella had room to be free and have fun

After lunch Steve 'discovered' a field full of easter eggs at the park across the street from our apartment complex, so we had our own egg hunt

And we ended the afternoon with some time at the pool. So, a really nice Easter day all around!
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