A picture of her on her 4th birthday eve, her last night asleep as 3-year old

And here she is, waking up as a big 4 year old!!

Adorable birthday girl in her birthday shirt

Mom, Steve and I met at Ella's school to have cupcakes with her class after nap time.

After cupcakes they were wild and ready for some fun!

Mom and I stayed for circle time

Big hug for Grammy

Mom made lots of little friends and helped the kids draw spider webs

That night we went out to dinner to a Japanese restaurant. Ella was very proud of herself because she tried soy sauce for the first time, and she told us over and over that the reason she tried it was because she's 4 now and will be trying a lot of new things.
They knew it was her birthday because she made sure to tell everyone! And although we did not request it, our waitress brought out a big dessert and we all sang Happy Birthday

As we were walking out of the restaurant, she stopped at almost every table along the way, pushed her "4" candle (from her cupcake at school - of course she brought it to dinner as proof of her new age!) out in front of her and said to each table "I'm already 4!", "I'm 4 now!" It was just so funny, definitely one of my favorite memories of that day.
We got home and it was time for birthday celebration #3 :)

Silly girl

It was a great day, I loved seeing how proud and excited she was that it was her birthday, and how excited she was to turn 4. It was also awesome that Mom came to celebrate with us, and made it that much more special.
More updates to come on my big 4 year old!!
What a pretty, perfect, precious 4 year old. It was a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Ella. Love that she was so proud to be 4-and wanted everyone to know it!
Cupcake time looks so fun at school! What a wonderful big girl!
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