We stayed at the Wynn, I loved the hotel, it's definitely the nicest hotel we've stayed at and everything from the lobby, restaurants & bars, our room, was just awesome.
Steve in the lobby of our hotel

The wedding was on the rooftop terrace at the Rio. Steve & I in the casino before the wedding-

And a few pics of the view from the rooftop where the ceremony was held-

With Julia at their reception. She looked beautiful and it was a great evening, it was great to meet her family and friends and I am so glad we were able to be there.

On Saturday night, we saw the show La Reve. It was an incredible water acrobatics show, I've never seen anything like it. This is a picture of the theater at the end of the show.

During the days we spent a lot of time at the pools at our hotel, lots of relaxing, good food and drinks, and some time in the casino (at one point I turned $5 into $15 - high roller!!).
We did a lot of walking and sightseeing of all the casinos and hotels on the strip, unfortunately I'm missing a bunch of pictures because they're on Steve's computer and I need to get them so I'll add them later.

We ended up at the pool of the Luxor the last day of the trip -

While we were having a great time on vacation, Ella was with Mom and Glenn. The first day went great but Ella woke up sick on Saturday morning and ended up with strep throat. Mom and Glenn took great care of her and she was feeling better in a few days. I felt so sorry for her to be sick while I was gone but I know she was in great hands. Although they didn't get to all the fun things they had planned, here are a few pics Mom sent me from the weekend -

Doing crafts

Decorating the windows

Before Ella, there was always a feeling of dread when a long-awaited vacation ended because I wasn't ready to go back to the 'real world'. Although I was sad our vacation was over, getting to see Ella again is like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I was so happy to get back to my baby!
So glad you went. We love Vegas! It is a great 2-3 day getaway vacation=) Glad Ella is feeling better already.
I think you had a geat time in Vegas. I really like the shots you took from the rooftop. I envy you for seeing the water acrobatics show at La Reve. ;)
-Phoenix Edler
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