Ready for the show!

Ella loves practicing her tricks all around the house and showing off for our family, and was excited to wear her new leotard that she picked out. Grammy was here which made it even better. But once we were in the gym with all the kids (usually we sit outside and watch through the window) Ella just wanted to sit in my lap. Luckily she managed to pull it together and it was really fun to watch all her moves!
Monkey jump

Back roll with Miss Tricia



Up on the bar with Miss Aly

Class picture

Showing off her medal

Snuggling with Grammy after the show

Even though that was the end of the session, Ella wanted to keep going so we're back in the class for the summer session as well, it's a small class and she is really enjoying it so far.
Her current favorite trick is handstands/headstands that she likes to try all the time - I'm okay with it when she's on our bed or carpeted floor, but we keep having to draw the line at no tricks on the wood floors downstairs. She sure loves her gymnastics!
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