Ella of course doesn't remember her first plane ride since she was just a baby, but got very excited for the prospect of the plane ride to NJ. Due to bad weather, we had a 2 1/2 hour delay at the airport and Ella wanted to play the whole time. I had brought a bunch of quiet, in-place activities like books, coloring, and some games I downloaded on my phone for her, but she wanted none of that - instead she wanted to play store which involved several rows of chairs and of course the 'cash register' was over by the window! When we finally got on the airplane it was dark and most people tried to sleep - not us! Ella narrated loudly throughout the entire flight - she was really cheerful and happy and just talked and talked nonstop. When we finally landed she was so excited to be there and said really loudly "when we getting off this rocket ship?!?"
Mom and Glenn picked us up at the airport and Ella was so happy to see them and show off all her tricks. It was late by the time we got home but of course Ella said she wasn't at all tired, and after taking a tour of the house and meeting all the cats was finally ready to go to bed.
We woke up to snow on Friday morning! Glenn was at work so we went over to his office so that Ella could meet the ladies that work for him and see where he works.

On Friday afternoon we headed into the city. We went to the hotel that Mom stays at a few nights a week for work and met some of the people she knows there, and then went to her work and met many people there. Ella was really shy but everyone was so sweet and friendly, and I was really glad to meet everyone. Then we went to Central Park Zoo, many more pictures of the zoo coming!
On Saturday my friend Courtney came over for a great breakfast that Mom and Glenn cooked, it was so great to see her. She hasn't seen Ella since that summer we were last home, and I was so excited to catch up with her after so long and get to spend time together.

Ella took this one!

Then my friend Ashley came over and we went out to lunch together. Mom and Glenn stayed home with Ella and Ashley and I got a chance to catch up and talk and enjoy some girls' time together.
Here's a picture Ella asked me to take of her "doing a trick"

Grammy and Ella decorating foam Easter eggs

Ella with some treats from the zoo - her new favorite purse and water bottle

Mom, Glenn and Ella

We went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant on Saturday night to celebrate Glenn's birthday. Glenn is friends with the owner who gave Ella a little pizza cutter and asked if she wanted to come in the kitchen and see the ovens where they cook the pizzas. She wanted to, but didn't want to go by herself, so I went with her. When it was time to touch the pizza tray, she didn't want to, so I did it!

One of the cutest things Ella said all weekend was when we got home from dinner, Glenn was getting Ella out of her carseat and she said to him, "That was a great restaurant!" - it was adorable!
Singing Happy Birthday and birthday present for Grampy

Ella spent all weekend chasing the cats around the house. She knows all of their names, loved feeding them and talking about them, and here she is feeding treats to Tessa and Romeo

Checking on Tucker

After church on Sunday (Ella played hooky with Glenn halfway through!) Glenn and Ella made whipped cream for a special dessert

Enjoying their product!

It was such a great trip and we were not ready to leave on Sunday afternoon. I loved being back home and getting to show Ella lots of neat things for the first time, plus getting to spend the time with Mom and Glenn. Ella keeps saying she wants to go back to NJ so I hope we're able to go back again soon!!
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