We got there late Tuesday night and left Wednesday morning for our trip. We said good-bye to Ella and knew she'd have a great time with everyone while we were gone. They had such a good time together, here are some pictures of their adventures -
Doing dishes, Mom put her to work right away :)

Reading with Grampy G

Fast asleep after a big day of fun

Feeding the ducks

Pretending to drive the car

Having fun with Uncle Josh

Cameron sleeping on Grammy

Mom and Glenn took Ella to the circus one day for her first trip to the circus! They said Ella paid attention the whole time and really enjoyed it. I've asked her many questions since then about it and she is always excited to talk about it, and told me next time I can come to the circus too :).

Eating cotton candy

With Grampy G - after the circus they went and had a picnic lunch

Adorable Cameron

One day Glenn took Ella to PetSmart to look at the animals there and they ended up getting a VIP tour of the vet clinic at PetSmart and got all kinds of goodies.
Whenever we would call and check in, it just made me so happy to know how well everything was going and how much fun Ella was having. With the exception of one day when she didn't want to talk on the phone, she'd always get on the phone too and fill me in on what she was up to. It was so great to hear her sweet voice and really made it easier to enjoy being away knowing what a good time everyone was having.
A very, very big thank you to Mom and Glenn for taking such good care of our little girl while we were away and making being away that much easier! And to Erin, Josh and Cameron for being an excellent Aunt, Uncle and Cousin that Ella can't get enough of!
That was a vacation for us...fun, adventures, heartwarming memories. Thank you for letting us have her...plan another trip asap, OK?
Hey Col...
Ella called me today and wanted to know if she can take a vacation to NJ. Whaddya' think?
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