Ella always wants to push the little cart at the grocery store but usually we have way too big of a trip to make so it seems like it'd be a disaster. One night we had a really quick trip and were just picking up a few things so I let her push it. I definitely was glad for the tall bar, because she needed a little steering help, but she did great and really enjoyed being in charge of the cart, and it was actually a little break for me!

In her Minnie Mouse costume. We had to call her "Minnie" for an entire evening!

Sleeping with her treasures - Glow Man from Grampy G and her shakey toy from the circus from Grammy

Making pizza

Kiss for Daddy

Climbing at Cooper's birthday party

Riding a scooter with some help from Daddy

Beautiful girl

Wearing the hairnet and mask she got from her vet tour with Grampy G - she told me she had to make notes about Cory and then said she needed to go find a shot...I told her let's sticking to making notes and spare Cory the shot (eek!)

Valentine's gel clings from Granddad and Grandma

Drinking out of her heart straw at her Valentine's Day party

Ella and Tess going through all of the Valentines in their shoeboxes at their Valentine's Day party

We knew we were going to have beautiful weather this weekend, so we planned a picnic lunch at Ella's playhouse. She was so excited about it and picked out the menu herself - pita chips and hummus, fruit, and cheese sticks!

With good ol' blankie

Cory and Nomar sleeping together

I was getting gas and she wanted to see how everything worked so I gave her a little gas-pumping lesson. Here she is with a big smile after some life-skills training :)!

In the tunnel at Chick-Fil-A ("Chick-a-lay") at a birthday party

We discovered we have a bird's nest in 2 different trees around the side of our house. We got a new bird feeder in the hopes they'll stick around and lay some eggs and hatch some baby birds. Ella says "those birds are really hungry" and always wants to check on the birds whenever we pull into the driveway.