Some of the people in our neighborhood are REALLY into decorating for Halloween. These one is pretty extreme, but there are lots of houses that really go all out for Halloween decorating.

The house below was the first house that we went trick-or-treating at, and I was a little worried Ella would be really scared of that scary guy sitting there. He had some kind of voice machine but was really nice to her because she said 'trick or treat' and then he said 'trick-or-treat' back to her, and then he said 'Happy Hallow-eee-een.'

She did great - she'd say 'trick or treat' to everyone and then 'thanks' and if we were lucky, 'happy halloween.' After every house she said 'we're going to go to more houses?' and just loved the idea of collecting all that candy in her pumpkin.

After awhile she got brave and said she wanted to go up all by herself, and that's what she did!
Once we got home Ella helped answer the door and pass out candy but she would hold on to the Skittles and instead of putting them in the kids' bags, she'd hold on to them and say "these belong in this bowl" and put them back in our candy bowl instead!
Sorting through all of her candy. Out of all that she picked Dots for her first treat!

Happy girl with her Grammy

It was quite the Halloween weekend and amazing how it just gets more fun each year!
What an adorable little lady bug!! That must have been so much fun to see Ella enjoy Halloween so much. She looks like she had the best time! Hopefully next year we'll be able to bring Théo out but he'll still be too young to really understand what's going on. :)
Cutest little Lady Bug I've ever seen! Looks as if Ella had a great Halloween!
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