The farm

Driving a tractor

Climbing on a hay bale

Riding on a pony!

Hay ride - you'll notice how Ella refused to look at the camera - she was a cranky lady on the hay ride and managed to pull it together once we got to the pumpkins

Luckily she really perked up once it was time to pick out pumpkins and became really happy and excited

She thought it was her job to put all of the small pumpkins back in the pumpkin box - she was busy and hard at work

Grandma, Ella, Granddad

When we first got there she said she wanted to jump in the inflatable jump houses but she changed her mind when it was time to get in and didn't want to go. After we got pumpkins she said she wanted to go back and jump and go down the slide.
Climbing with Grandma

So much fun!

Some cute videos of her having so much fun climbing the wall, going down the slide, and jumping (the funniest part of the jumping is her commentary!)
We came home and Ella took a nap, then we went out for dinner for Dad's birthday. We went back home for cake and Ella gave Granddad a special card she had made for him.

She was really proud of herself and said "I made this for you." He also asked her to guess how old he was turning and she said "two and a half?"
It was a really fun day, and a perfect way to celebrate Dad's Birthday!
What a fun time!...and what a little athlete, making it to the top of the wall!!
That looks so cool, what a nice day!
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