We drove there on Friday night, and Ella was so excited to see Erin, she probably asked me no less than 800 times on the way there when we were going to see her. It was also her first 3-hour car ride since being potty trained, so we had to make 2 stops on the way there. Add in about 100 rounds of ABCs and Itsy Bitsy Spider, and I was quite happy when we arrived!
On Saturday we painted pottery for the first time with Ella. She painted a little kitty and I although I wasn't sure what to expect, I was pretty impressed with how much she painted and how well she behaved. (She also was greatly entertained by a big basket of stamps!)

Erin did an expert job of painting a Nola-look alike and we managed to keep Ella from making any contributions to it (although she would've liked to!)

We went out to dinner and rented the Frog Princess to watch. We all liked the movie and Erin showed me how to make french braids which I've been trying to learn but it is not easy!

On Sunday morning we had brunch at the restaurant where we're holding Erin's shower in a few months and it was fantastic. Ella couldn't get enough french toast and we kept telling her what a big girl she was being at our special girls' breakfast.
Checking out a little fountain outside

It was such a great weekend - relaxing and fun and so great to have some girl time with just the 3 of us. It's so neat to see how much Ella loves Aunt Erin and I am so excited for the birth of my nephew in just a few more months!!
That is just the dearest thing! Ella painting pottery, and hanging out with her favorite Aunt Erin, and scarfing down french toast...You guys are the best!!!
What a fun weekend! I had the best time!
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