Here are many pictures from the weekend!!
Big hugs for Grammy

Telling stories


On Saturday it was almost 90 degrees so Glenn put up Ella's froggie pool and she loved it! There was none of the hesitation that she had last year, she just got right in and enjoyed herself. She's been saying "froggie pool?" almost every day since, so I know she's dying to get back in.
She's in!

Daddy in? (this is how she asks us to get in wherever she is)

Nice hands for Jossssh

Drying off and snuggling with Aunt Erin (who Ella now calls "Ame" - she will say "Ame please" as if I can just produce her on command)

Flying a kite with "Gee"

We all headed inside and got ready for some serious egg-dying!
1 comment:
These pix of Ella are fantastic. She just gets prettier and prettier.
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