A few weeks ago (yes, I have lots of catching up to do on here...) Mom was here and took Erin on her first overnight trip without me or Steve, and went to see Erin and Josh in Charlotte for the night.
Ella loves her Aunt Erin and Uncle Josh but was unable to say "Aunt Erin" even though she could very clearly say "Josh!" So, the day before they were going to leave, Mom and I were practicing it with her and she got to saying "Ron" or "Roni" but not Erin. Mom said that on the whole drive out Ella was talking about Josh and Mom started thinking that maybe she thought Erin's name was Josh. Erin had taken a half day from work to hang out with them and all afternoon still, Ella was saying 'Josh', so they thought even more maybe she wasn't sure who was who. But then the theory was disproved when Josh walked in the door and Ella yelled "JOSSSHH"... So, no "Aunt Erin" from Ella on that trip.
But Ella had a blast on her trip - Ella just adores the two of them, and they played for hours and hours. She was so involved in her playing that when I called to talk to her, Erin asked her if she wanted to talk to me and I heard her loudly say - "No Way!"...hmpf! She slept great in her pack and play and was just had an all-around really fun time with her Grammy and Aunt and Uncle. It was really nice to know she did so great on a little trip without any parents to chaperone :)
Here are some pictures from the night that Mom took

Erin, this video is just for you - Ella can't wait to see her AUNT ERIN this weekend!! (and we're still working on Grammy...)
That is AWESOME! Close enough!
Man, that just made my day!
She uses her whole face to say "Josh", then "Aun Ein" then "Gee", then...then...then...the end.
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