Ella lounging in her rocking chair - she loves sitting in this chair (a birthday present from Grammy, it was my rocking chair when I was a little girl) and watching parts of the movie Tinkerbell. See how she crosses her legs like such a dainty little lady?
At the playground, she put our cooler on the slide and attempted to direct the child above her who actually had the audacity to want to slide down!
Playing with a puzzle on Steve
Just woke up, and all prepared to leave her crib (notice the binkie, blankie and bunny in hand?)
Having a tea party. She takes the tea set (which, incidentally, is not a toy - it's real silver that belonged to my mom's mother and is special to me, but she has found it and is very pleased with it, and really can't do any damage to it under supervision. But, it definitely makes me think it's time for a toy tea set) and if I pretend to pour tea in, then she does too, she'll clink our glasses for 'cheers', and pretend to drink out of it. She makes sound effects as she pours too, it is just precious.
This is a big water bottle that I drink during the day at work. Ella got a hold of it last weekend and thought it was the best thing around. What a very thirsty girl!
Having fun with Steve
In a hood!
In other news, I finished Ella's first baby book! It goes from her birth through month 4 - I started in April and finally finished on Sunday at my scrapbook group. I had intended her baby book to cover her whole first year but there is just way too much to include so I've got to break it into sections. I'm really happy to have finished this one and hope that one day Ella will treasure it as much as I do!
so cute in her hood!
I'm so happy that's she 'into' tea parties and her vintage rocking chair. What a cherub.
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