Here she is in the car ride on the way there on Friday afternoon - notice how she's facing front in the car seat
On Saturday morning we dyed eggs
3 happy egg dyers
Hugs for Cali!
We went to a little play center library called Imaginon and here are Glenn and Ella outside
Checking out the vegetable garden
Playing with blocks
And she's off!
We went to church on Saturday night and here is the little angel in her Easter dress
When we go to church we usually put her in the nursery but we were at Erin's church and had her with us but she didn't last long...about 20 minutes in she started thrashing around and yelling and Steve ended up in a parents room with her for the rest of the service. On the way there she had an adorable bow in her hair, party shoes and beautiful dress - on the way to the parents room the bow was long gone, shoes were off, and dress a mess...ah well :).
I was so excited for her first easter egg hunt and on Saturday night stuffed a bunch of eggs with animal crackers. Here she is Easter morning playing with the leftover eggs that didn't get stuffed.
Hmmm, who's in there?
I better check this out!
Where's Ella??
Easter goodies!
Cali checking out our dyed eggs
Glenn got Ella a rabbit that sings "here comes Peter Cottontail" and here she is dancing and enjoying her new bunny
Some Easter pics
Since Ella had so much fun with the empty eggs that morning, we decided to stuff some more eggs for the hunt, thinking that she need MORE than the 15 we had already stuffed. So, we ended up with about 30 stuffed eggs. Dad got there, then Steve and Josh "hid" the eggs at a little field across the street (aka - eggs in plain sight), and we headed out to commence the hunt!!
On the way, with her new bunny bag for egg collecting
Although she definitely enjoyed herself, she was not going crazy to collect the eggs, and probably only collected about 4 eggs or so (and we collected the rest!)
Here is a little clip of her hunting
I found a blue one!
Sharing an egg with Daddy
Some help from Uncle Josh
Taking a break to enjoy her spoils
Then we went back in the house for some playtime, Ella was still very excited about her animal crackers, here she is with Grandad happily eating!
Playing with her toys with Grandad
Great shot of Nola
Me and my little Easter bunny
Ella took a nap while we ate a great Easter dinner and as usual, Erin & Josh were wonderful hosts. Mom and Erin cooked and made awesome cheesecake for dessert - so good!
The 3 of us
When Ella woke up we gave her Easter basket and goodies - here is her new hat
Although she got a bunch of stuffed animals and a new book, her favorite so far seemed to be the basket itself and the grass that was inside it!
Getting sleepy after a big day...
It was a really great day and so fun to have everyone together. Holidays have a whole new meaning now that Ella is here and are even more fun as she gets a little bit older and able to enjoy things even more! Not to mention how cool it was that we all got to see her walk on Sunday!
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