She weighs 18 lbs 11 oz, and is 28 inches long - so, she still needs to sit backwards in the carseat a while longer but we know she's ready to turn around as soon as she can!
Ella is very healthy and the only thing we need to work on is getting her to drink more milk...she prefers water or juice but from now on, it is just milk until she has had enough for the day.
So, another good appointment and I am very happy that we managed to get through her entire first year with just one ear infection and a few colds.
Here she is in her Cougars t-shirt from Uncle Craig, Aunt Jackie and Cayla, Cammi and Gavin
Ella not only looks healthy, she sure looks happy! Steve & you are doing everything right!!!
Looks like Ella had a blast at her party..I always love when they dig into the cake with 2 hands!
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