Ella's personality is really emerging more and more each day. She makes sustained eye contact for several minutes at a time and smiles and coos and really engages us. Whenever I change her on the changing table, she gets really excited and happily flaps around her arms and legs. She can use her hands to grab a little bit and seems to be figuring out that her hands are actually hers and that she has control of them. She can put a little bit of weight on her legs and when I hold her upright she'll kick her legs and put some weight on them.
Her most cheerful time is still morning, but she is happy and alert throughout most of the day now and only gets slightly cranky late in the day. Whenever she wakes up in the morning or from a nap, she is so sweet and happy. Her face breaks into a big grin and she stretches out for several minutes and makes all kinds of facial expressions. It is soooo precious.
Her favorite 'toys' right now are ceiling fans. No matter what room we are in, the fan will catch her eye and she will just fixate on it. Once I turn it on, she'll start grinning and really seems to enjoy it.
Dad & Donna came up a few times during Ella's 9th week so that I could get a lot of work done, and Erin & Josh came over the weekend to spend time with us and the little nugget.
Here are pictures of Ella at 9 weeks
Happy girl in her bouncer
Erin giving Ella a bottle
Gorgeous girl fast asleep
With Dad and Donna after their race
"Talking" to Aunt Erin
Funny face - yikes!!
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