Ella turned 1 month on Tuesday, February 5. I brought her into work to introduce her to everyone and she was such a little champ! She was awake most of the time and really alert, she let everyone hold her and was really content. Near the end though she got really hungry so I knew I needed to get home to feed her - I put her down in her carseat to get ready and she fell right to sleep while I rocked her seat and I was able to stay and chat a while longer while she slept - I may have to try to the rocking the car seat trick again!
It was very good because it did feel nice to be at work and around everyone, and made me realize that I'll be OK when it's time to go back and although it's going to be so hard to leave her, it'll work out and I will make it work.
Later in the day, playing in her gym

Lifting her head during tummy time

In her glider (on one of the rare occasions she decided to accept a pacifier!!)
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