Ella turned 3 weeks old on January 26. She weighs over 8 lbs now and looks more like a baby and less like a newborn every day. Her cheeks are much chubbier than they were and her eyes are open so much more often. I know they're not 'real' smiles, but she makes faces that look an awful lot like a smile and make my day - I can't imagine how it will feel when she actually smiles at me. She is always in a happy mood when she wakes up in the morning and is content the majority of the time. Once she gets overtired she'll get fussy late in the day but other than that she is a happy and laid-back baby. Breastfeeding has gotten much easier and she definitely eats like a champ.
Mom, Erin & Josh came for the weekend, Ella is a family-magnet!

And Erin was so completely sweet with Ella - she held her almost the whole time and had the sore arms on Monday to prove it.

Check out that pose!

I got a pedicure on Saturday, and Steve & I went out to dinner and left the baby with our excellent 'babysitters' - this time there were no tears (progress!), and it was great to spend time together and out of the house.
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