We had Ella dedicated at church last Sunday, May 10. It was also Mother's Day so it was a doubly special day, really wonderful. Our families came in to be there at church with us and help us celebrate - Mom and Glenn, Dad and Donna, Len and Carole, and Erin and Josh all came - we were so very excited to have everyone to celebrate with us and be there for Ella's dedication.
I came downstairs that morning to a Mother's Day surprise!

Is there anything better than a card addressed to Mommy??? :)
Here are the 3 of us before church

Fortunately the dedication was right at the beginning of the service, because right now "sitting still" and "staying in one place" are NOT on Ella's agenda. Once we got up on stage, Ella was quite the squirmy little worm - she was trying to push off me and all she wanted to do was get down and run around.
Here is the passage I chose:
Deuteronomy 6:5-7 You must love the Lord your God with your whole mind, your whole being, and all your strength. These words I am commanding you today must be kept in mind, and you must teach them to your children and speak of them as you sit in your house, as you walk along the road, as you lie down, and as you get up.
It was really special to me and I'm so glad everyone was there to be there for Ella's big day. Here's a picture of all of us after church was over:

Our wonderful babydoll

We all went back to our house after for a big brunch. I made french toast casserole the night before and tried eggs benedict for the first time - I didn't actually poach the eggs (that's a challenge for another day) but everything else about it was eggs benedict! Steve and I both cooked and brunch was a success!
Ella and Grammy

Ella and Aunt Erin

With Unky Jay

Eating a paper plate with Grandad

Ella's cake

Me, Mom, Erin & Ella

It was such a very special day and I am so happy that everyone came to celebrate with us. It couldn't have been any more wonderful!