Ella turned 13 months today! It is just amazing. In honor of her 13 month birthday, here are 13 notes notes about Ella lately.
1 - She LOVES pets. At the superbowl party that we went to, they had 3 cats - she crawled right up to them, but instead of reaching out to try to pet them, she put her head forward and nuzzled their sides with the top of her head...totally adorable. At home, she has the somewhat less adorable habit of sticking her tongue out and trying to lick our dogs' noses (yuck!) and even attempts to drink out of their water bottle in the crate (double yuck). Just seeing Sammy can make her burst out laughing.
2 - Her hair has really gotten longer lately, and I made an appointment to get it trimmed in the back (to even it all up) on Saturday. I changed my mind though, it's just too cute and is starting to curl in the back, I can't get rid of any of it yet!! Here's a sideview of a little curl

3 - She is definitely getting a little temper - if she is frustrated, she lets you know - she looks you right in the eyes and says "aaaahhhhh" and starts to yell. Here she is frustrated that she's stuck under her music table.

4 - My favorite thing is when I hold Ella and she rests her head on my shoulder and tucks her arms in under her belly. She is so content and I could hold her like that forever.
5 - She thinks that if her eyes are covered, she is invisible...this leads to tons of laughter when she gets "found" by us. She loves pointing her fingers, spinning cirlces, clapping, and blowing kisses, all which greatly amuse us.
6 - She's so close to being able to stand up her own, but not quite there yet - she pushes up on her right knee but can't get the left one underneath herself. She never gets tired of climbing up and down on us and will sometimes do it 20 times in a row.
7 - When she's excited and you pick her up, she wildly kicks her legs and says "woooahhh"
8 - You never know what you're going to get at mealtimes. Something that she loved a few days ago, she may have zero interest in today. Her standby favorites are grilled cheese, pasta, sweet potatoes, potatoes, oranges, and anything with cheese.
9 - Ella still has just 2 teeth!! The two front bottom ones...and so far, no other ones are even breaking through.
10 - Her smile is absolutely contagious and makes me so happy

11 - Just about every time I try to take a picture of her, I have to be super fast because as soon as she catches a glimpse of the camera, she starts climbing on me to get to it.
Exhibit A

12 - Bath time is sooooo much fun with Ella now. She laughs hysterically, kicks, yells, splashes and just generally has a blast. It is awesome. Not too mention how cute her hair is all wet and getting to see her all wrapped up in a towel is just the best.
13 - Ella is absolutely, positively the best, best thing that has ever happened to us!!!