Ella turned 10 months old on November 5. It is so hard to believe that her first 10 months has gone by this fast, but in some ways I can hardly remember life before we had her. She is such a joy and a happy, sweet, lively little girl. She is always grinning and smiling and 'talks' all the time. She is very expressive and will get super excited, flail her arms around while she's telling us something and get very animated.
Ella is always very busy and on the go - she crawls all over and can be very ambitious about getting to what she wants to reach. Some favorites are the dogs' water bowl, the fireplace, and computer cords...so, we've been in the process of undertaking the babyproofing project (easier said than done!). She'll let you know if you ruin her plans of reaching something by letting out a yell or extending her arms and putting her hands into fists.
Ella loves feeding herself, and now eats 3 meals a day in addition to 4 bottles. For breakfast she eats cheerios, oatmeal or multigrain cereal, and then for lunch and dinner has veggies, fruits, meat, pasta, and also eats goldfish crackers and some other finger foods. Although she still is fine with being spoon fed, she prefers to pick up food and feed herself. She drinks from her sippy cups and bottles all by herself.
The dogs and Nomar are definitely some of Ella's favorites to watch and she only has to see one of them walk by to have a little giggle. If one of them comes up and gives her a kiss, she squeals happily and pets them back. Here she is pursuing Cory on the other side of the babygate.

Ella uses the gates to try to figure out how to pull herself up, and she is so close to doing it. She'll get up on her knees very easily and then pulls her right leg out, but then she sits back down. Whenever we prop her up on something she can stand very sturdy and support herself, so I think pulling herself up is right around the corner.
Still no teeth, and really I think they've got to be getting close, but I've thought that for 4 months now so who knows. It's definitely not slowing down her learning to eat though, that's for sure.
Ella loves dancing and starts to dance every time she hears music. She loves hearing us sing to her and likes patty-cake, peek-a-boo and lots of little games and songs. She waves bye-bye and likes to copy us and make a 'clicking' noise with her mouth when we do it.
It has been a wonderful ten months with Ella and she is just the most perfect little angel, truly a blessing that I am thankful for every day.