I went back to the office full-time on April 7, and started Ella in daycare the week before so I could get used to the transition. The first day I dropped her off was just heartbreaking - I cried on the way to the center, sat in the backseat with her crying, cried on the way in there, had to stop in the bathroom on the way to the infant room, and then finally pulled it together after I had been in the room for several minutes.
It was so hard to say goodbye to her the first day, and then I spent the next few hours watching her on the cameras online. I was hiring for a new position at work, and I had scheduled 3 interviews in a row so that I had distracting work that I had to do, and that definitely helped take my mind off things. I picked her up after just a few hours every day that week and by the 4th day it was much easier. Kelly came on Friday and so I kept her out that day for three days with her before heading back full-time in the office. Mom was here the next 2 weeks and picked her up early in the afternoon most days, so she was only there about 5 or 6 hours a day which made me feel even better.
The first week back in the office wasn't too bad, the biggest adjustment is how long it takes me to get both of us ready in the morning - I am getting up almost an hour earlier than I used to, but getting to work an hour later than I used to. But I wouldn't want to rush things in the morning - I really enjoy how cheerful and playful she is in the morning, and I feed her twice in the morning so that she needs less bottles at daycare. So, for now it's just adjusting to a lot less sleep and trying to get as much done the night before as I possibly can.
I feel really comfortable with the daycare - it's a 5-star facility and just about 7 minutes from our house, on the way to work. The teachers in Ella's room are wonderful - they have been there since the center opened and have their own children there as well. They completely humor me and do whatever I ask, and have helped make this transition be as successful as possible. Best of all, I can watch Ella on the cameras online all day long - her crib is directly under one of the cameras and I know when she's eating, sleeping, playing, etc. - it's really cool.
I like the chance to talk to the other mothers if I drop her off or pick her up and they're there, and it's really cute seeing her there with the other kids. Even though she really can't play with them, they'll sit in a little circle and look and smile at each other - just precious. So, as hard as putting her in daycare has been, I think things are going as well as they could be.